Saturday, February 8, 2014

End to End steps to flash Micromax A87 Ninja


The real process of flashing hardly takes around 15 minutes but searching the right set of instructions and executable files can take very long. There is incredible help around there all over internet. But putting the puzzle together in one place was missing. This can make it difficult for newbies. So what I am doing is to put together the pieces which helped me through this full process.

Step 1 :- Root your Phone (If  it is not rooted already)
The rooting  will give you full administrator access of your device.This higher privilege is required for flashing your phone.

Refer below links for instructions:-

Required downloads :-

Step 2:- Install Recovery for Mocromax . This is to take back up of the old ROM and apps.
Stock Recovery (The one which come by default with the Mixromax ROM) does not have options to do the back up and recovery. So you need to download the custom module which does it for Micromax 87

Refer below links for instructions :-

Required downloads :-

Step 3 :- Flash the ROM 

1)Download a custom ROM you want to install on your Ninja.
I selected the cynogenmod(Unofficial) one as it is closest to vanilla android

Required downloads :-

(Other Popular ROMs can be found here

2)Copy the zip to sdcard (either by direct copy or adb commands)

adb command :- Go to android Platform tools folder (adt-bundle-windows-x86-20131030\sdk\platform-tools) and execute below

adb push  <localpoth>\CynogenMod\ /sdcard/

3) Flash the ROM by following the below instructions